Wastewater Process Equipment


Nelson Environmental, SAGR construction

Nexom, Inc. SAGR construction

  • Parkson Corporation – mechanical fine screening (rotary screens, Aquaguard, internally and externally fed drum), screenings dewatering press
  • Suez –  climber screens
  • Or-Tec – micro-fine screen (Blue Whale), inclined screw and vertical screw screens
  • Salsnes (Trojan Technologies) – moving belt filter technology

Grit Removal / Grit dewatering

  • Envirodyne – forced-vortex grit removal, grit classifier, aerated grit, horizontal screw grit removal


Aeration – Diffusers

Aeration – Blowers


Nelson Environmental, finished SAGR cells

Clarification / Separation

Biological Treatment/Process

  • Parkson – activated sludge/clarification (Biolac), tertiary filtration phosphorus removal (Dynasand)
  • Parkson Corporation – Ecocyle Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
  • Suez – membrane bio-reactor (MBR), HYBACS pretreatment
  • Nexom, Inc –  submerged attached growth reactors (SAGR) for ammonia removal following lagoons, de-icing chemical treatment
  • Envirodyne – oxidation ditch
  • Orenco – Advantex packed bed media filters providing wastewater treatment for remote commercial and residential applications
  • Sanitaire, a Xylem brand

Trickling Filter

  • Envirodyne – rotary distributors (aluminum or 304 SS)
  • RPS Engineering – dome covers (aluminum or FRP)
  • Raschig USA – random plastic Bio-Pac media, crossflow and vertical sheet Dura-pac media and support products

Scum Handling


Parkson Aquaguard, influent mechanical screening

Cascade Aeration

Wastewater Pumps, Mixers and Aerators

Pumps & Mixers

  • Swaby LOBELINE – rotary lobe pumps
  • Orenco – septic tank effluent pumping (STEP) systems for unsewered communities

Aeration – Jet